Tuesday, April 15, 2008

In Order For "a Fall" to have taken place; four elements had to be present:

1. The physical creation of Adam and Eve by "The Supreme Being" or God.

2. Adam and Eve being placed in a position of innocence and ignorance without knowledge and without "sin".

3. Permission must have been given for evil; "Lucifer" to enter into paradise by the Creator of Paradise; namely, "God".

4. Adam and Eve were given "instruction" but were permitted to "choose".

Thus, this would exclude the merging of a "Science" with "Creationism". Since, as the Bible states, Adam and Eve lived in a paradise outside of our experience that we can not understand in our "fallen" state. No one but Adam and Eve lived there and the only record we have of their experience was given by revelation thousands of years later to Moses.

There can be no "blending" of science and religion. No "Evolution"; no "playing both sides against the middle. Interestingly enough. Those that clamor for the latest Scientific "theory" to be taught in our public schools are not willing to grant the one thing God gave as an irrevocable gift to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden......freedom of choice!!!

There is no freedom without choice; and there is no choice without "choices". So if God gave us "choices" between good and evil; then it would be reasonable to conclude that Satan would like to eliminate all of our "good" ones! If God is the author of freedom; then Satan is the author of slavery!

So, the true followers of God want us to have both good and bad choices, just like He did! Otherwise, Adam and Eve would have never been tempted by Satan! So why is that man seeks to limit our "choices" in the name of creating "Utopia". We had Utopia! But, we wanted, and needed experience and knowledge of both good and evil!

WE chose pain and mistakes and man's feeble attempts to limit those choices and learning opportunities in the name of "security" and "social improvement" have not yet created a paradise; but they have managed to create both slavery and hell.

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